Posted: September 13th, 2017

Why did Britian and France, in the main, follow two different policies in relation to their colonies in the aftermath of the Second World War?

Why did Britian and France, in the main, follow two different policies in relation to their colonies in the aftermath of the Second World War?

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Suggested readings: Anthony Clayton, ‘Introduction: The Historical Perspective’, in the Wars of French Decolonization, UK: Longman, 1994. Charles Fosdick, ‘The French Empire’ in John Mclead (ed) The Routledge Companion to Post Colonial Studies, London: Routledge, 2007, pp. 32-45 Nicholas J.White (2014), Decolonisation: The British experience since 1945, Routledge, chapter 7, “British decolonization in comparative perspective”. List of references to include 9 works with full bibliographic details.

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