Posted: September 13th, 2017

why did the Japanese military increasingly dominate the political scene in

why did the Japanese military increasingly dominate the political scene in Japan through the 1930s
Essay Questions: Select one (1) essay question to write a thorough, thoughtful, complete essay sustained by examples, facts, and logic derived from your readings. Your answers should be from 4 – 5 pages in length. It would be appreciated if they were typed, double-spaced, and conforming to the standards of the Chicago style for citations and references. This is not considered a research assignment and therefore there is no expectation that you would consult any sources other than your required readings and your keen, insightful and reflective minds. This is due May 15, 2013.

1. World War I and its immediate aftermath presented Japan with a unique set of opportunities and challenges as a "modern" nation and as a member of the world community. How effectively did Japan respond to those possibilities and problems? Why?

2. How and why did the Japanese military increasingly dominate the political scene in Japan through the 1930s? What happened to Taisho Democracy and why?

3. Discuss the goals of General Douglas MacArthur and the occupation of Japan. To what degree were those goals achieved and what were/are some of the long-term results of Japan’s "American interlude".

4. Explain the main factors that contributed to the Japanese economic take-off in the 1950s. How did this growth affect Japanese politics and society?

5. If the Meiji Oligarchs were to be permitted to visit Japan in 2014 what do you think their reaction would be? Why?


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