Posted: September 13th, 2017

Why have immigrants been more vulnerable to exploitation than other workers? How has the food industry taken advantage of those vulnerabilities?

Why have immigrants been more vulnerable to exploitation than other workers? How has the food industry taken advantage of those vulnerabilities?

The main sources for this paper will be The Jungle, Food, Inc., ?Cheap Food: Workers Pay the Price?, Studs Terkel?s Working and from Peter Orner?s Underground America.

Three main goals of Paper #3

1. You make strong connections between The Jungle and contemporary resources.
2. You provide a strong thesis
3. You support everything with concrete evidence.
4. You provide good analysis and interpretation of quotes.

Topic Choices ? For all the options below, you will make connections between the food industry depicted in The Jungle (1906) and the exploitation in the present work life of immigrant food workers shown in Food, Inc. and the articles in the packet.

A. An introduction which informs the reader about the topic, the texts and characters (if any) analyzed, and a strong thesis.

B. A body which provides at least three points of comparison. The points should be important, reveal a complexity of understanding, and explained the point well. Each body paragraph should show the skills we will be working on: They should be focused, explain their point clearly and ?show? or support each point with specific evidence. Quotes usually strengthen support. Make sure to interpret the quotes.

C. A conclusion

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