Posted: November 26th, 2014

Why student have to take general courses?

Why student have to take general courses?

Introduction: First Paragraph:
State your thesis which is your position on the specific issue, and give any background or context necessary for the audience to understand the issue.

Body: Second, Third and Fourth Paragraphs:
The next three paragraphs support your point of view or position.  Each paragraph talks about a different reason or example of support.  You should be considering your particular audience (our class) and Aristotle’s three basic ways to persuade: ethos (your character and image to the audience), logos (reasoning that is considered logical to the audience), and pathos (emotions of the audience).

Opposing View: Fifth Paragraph:
In the fifth paragraph, you specifically address the opposing view.  Here you show that you understand not everyone agrees with you. You give the opposition’s view, but you also negate their view by stating why you think they are wrong.  In some cases you may need to concede a point by acknowledging or admitting that the opposition might be correct, but in that case, you should show why ultimately your position on the issue is more important.

Conclusion: Sixth Paragraph:
The sixth paragraph goes back to your thesis, your position on the issue.  Restate your opinion and emphasize the importance of the issue and your position.  You don’t need to repeat your supporting reasons, but you can emphasize what needs to be done to solve the problem.  You can also give a “call to action” and show what the audience can do to help solve the issue.


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