Posted: September 13th, 2017

Willis Jenkins’ The Future of Ethicsl Sustainability, social justice, and religious creativity

Willis Jenkins' The Future of Ethicsl Sustainability, social justice, and religious creativity

Project description
The purpose of this 2-3 page (double spaced, 12 pt. font, normal margins) paper is address the arguments related to environmental sustainability and social justice as

developed by Willis Jenkins in his The Future of Ethics. Please do not appeal to any secondary literature. The two principal sections of the paper are an expository

analysis (approximately 1.5-2 pages) and a critical-constructive analysis (approximately 1 page). In writing your paper, you should attend to the following:
a. For option 2c, address the ways that Jenkins discusses the relationship between global capitalism, ecological systems, and impoverishment.
b.Engage in a close reading and analyze the concepts and arguments from the text (use direct and indirect citations; please cite the page numbers in parentheses).
c.In the second section of the paper, you should critically and constructively evaluate the two religious traditions arguments. Consider questions such as: Do you

agree or disagree with Jenkins perspective? When he addresses numerous factors for ethical deliberation, would you emphasize one factor over the others? Put your view

in dialogue with his argument.

Read the Willis Jenkins’s book of the future of ethics for sustainability, social justice, and religious creativity Chapter 6 ( pg 232-273) on Impoverishment and the

economy of desire.
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