Posted: September 13th, 2017

Wk 10 – Aaron

Wk 10 – Aaron

The assignment of the first week, Week 10, includes two questions to be answered as usual here in this order BUT please be guided by the following instructions (VERY IMPORTANT): the topic of this week is: Emergency Personnel as Targets
. 1- Please answer both questions using ONLY THREE references. 2- The REQUIRED TEXTBOOK IS: Howard, Russell D and James J.F. Forest (2012). Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism, Second Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill 4 3- The reading assignments of this week, which SHOULD BE considered) are:
Defusing Human Bombs: Understanding Suicide Terrorism – Anne Speckhard.
All the full pdf version are locked of this article and I could not find a torrent. The google books preview is only missing two pages though (pg 286 & 288).


Citation: Victoroff, J I. (2006). Tangled Roots: Social and Psychological Factors in the Genesis of Terrorism. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Distribution of Casualties in a Mass-Casualty Incident with Three Local Hospitals in the Periphery of a Densely Populated Area: Lessons Learned from the Medical Management of a Terrorist Attack
Distribution of Casualties.pdf

Parachini, “Putting WMD Terrorism into Perspective”
putting WMD Terrorism into perspective.pdf
1. What considerations should be addressed when dealing with the threat of responder targets?

2. What do we need to know about effectively responding to a chemical terrorist attack?

3. Design a training outline for specific training requirements for a local or state emergency service for the following threat.

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