Posted: September 16th, 2017

Working with Cultural Differences (school of social sciences)

Working with Cultural Differences (school of social sciences)

Order Description

As you will see in the learning guide the assessment requires you to watch and take notes on commercial television (e.g channel 7, 9 or 10) as well as non commercial television (e.g SBS or ABC) and then construct an essay based on the 4 questions they provide in the learning guide

A few side notes that aren’t in the learning guide:
– you can identify a common news event between commercial and non commercial television.

– the teacher has suggested ‘a focus on particular social groups (for example Muslims in Australian society) so you can go in to depth rather than talking about multiple.

– roughly 150-200 words introduction
– roughly 1100 words for the body
– roughly 150-200 words for the conclusion

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