Posted: September 13th, 2017


belong to in your workplace. If you are not in anyteams right now, you should choose a team that you have been in before, or think of a
team that would be useful in completing your work tasks.

Next, work through each of the assignment questions and tasks below. Your

responsesto these questions and tasks should be documented in a professional report.

1. Describe the team you have chosen, including

the people in the team, its goals and activ ities.

2. Identify and describe the strategies you would use to make sure that:

2.1. All members of your team give their input into the team’s plans, decisions and activities.

2.2. All members of your team have the same . Wunderstanding of the team’s purpose, and each person’s roles and responsibilities.

3. Using your answers from Activity 3 in stage 1 of the learning path, develop and document a performance plan for your team.

4. Document and describe policies, procedures and strategiesthat could be used to make sure that everyone in your team:

4.1. Takes responsibility for their own work and results within the team.

4.2. Helps other team members with their work when they need it.

4.3. Participates in the activities of the whole team and takes responsibility for its results.

5. Forthis task, you maythink about either the team you have chosen for this assignment, or any

other team you have worked in before. From your past experiences in these teams, describe examples of how you have:

5.1. Set a positive example in your own team work for others to follow.

5.2. Supported other team members and helped them to improve their


5. Think about the process of giving feedbackto members of your team. Now answer the following


6.1. How often, and in what situations, would you give feedback to yourteam members?

6.2. What ways would you use to give

feedback to your team members?

7. Complete the following tasks to help in describing the communication needs and processes for your


7.1. Draw an organisation chartfor your workplace.

7.2. Show and highlight the following people, positions and groups on your

organisation chart:

Your team;

The supervisor(s)lmanager(s) yourteam reports to; and

All the stakeholders in your team’s activities (add external stakeholdersto the side of the chart).

7.3. Using arrows show the different communication paths between your team, its supervisor(s)lmanager(s) and its stakeholders.

7.4. For each communication path you have shown on your organisation chart,

describe the following:

The information that needs to be communicated in each direction; and

The best ways of communicating this information, and why.

8. Develop a process flow chart that your team can use to resolve issues, conflicts and problems. This should
show each of the steps, options and strategies in the complete process from identifying the problem to solving it.

8.1. Explain how your process works and how you would support your team in implementing it.

8.2. Describe the actions you would take if an issue, conflict or problem could not be resolved within the team. Your answer should include who you would communicate with and how you would do this.



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