Posted: April 12th, 2015

Workplace Diversity

Workplace Diversity

Discuss 12-page paper (12-point font, double spaced) with properly formatted APA citations and bibliography, how the various parts of the human resource system used in an organization you are familiar with (can be your own or another—no need to name names, but you should talk about the types of service or products supplied by the organization) align and support each other. These parts should include the:
• job design issues,
• training activities,
• recruitment activities,
• selection approaches used,
• performance appraisal systems,
• promotion systems implemented,
• pay parts, and the other benefits, and
• general supervisory styles and how they tend to support each other.
Be sure to discuss how these parts seem to be impacting employee morale, organizational efficiency and productivity, the work/life balance of the employees and the climate and culture of the organization. In the conclusion section, outline recommendations for the organization, recommendations that might make the parts fit together better, and those that might make employee morale, organizational efficiency and productivity, work/life balance, and the climate and culture of the organization match better.

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