Posted: September 25th, 2015

Where might you look for secondary research to support your thesis? Where might you find media support for your thesis?

world mythology

LIT 229 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric
For Milestone One, you will submit a one-page proposal for your final research paper, describing the theme or motif on which you will be focusing your final
research paper. You will justify your selection and provide a plan for research.
Address the following items:
? Provide a preliminary thesis or research question.
? Describe your research plan.
o Where might you look for secondary research to support your thesis? Where might you find media support for your thesis?
o What specific search terms will you be using?
o Describe your preliminary results of a database query for your search terms.
This description will help you formalize a plan, but it will also help your instructor point you in the right direction (as well as warn you about obstacles).
Requirements of Submission: This submission should be one page, with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. You must score
Evident on each critical element to earn your points for this assignment. Please see the feedback from the instructor and resubmit as needed.
This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions.
Instructor Feedback: Students can find their feedback in the Grade Center.
Critical Elements Evident (100%) Not Evident (0%)
Preliminary Thesis:
Selected thesis is within an
appropriate domain for
successfully completing the
Selected thesis is not within an
appropriate domain for
successfully completing the
Explanation of Thesis/Plan Reasoning behind selection of
thesis is appropriate for
successfully completing the
Reasoning behind selection of
thesis is not is appropriate for
successfully completing the
Secondary Research Proposal analyzes secondary
sources regarding the chosen
theme or motif
Proposal does not analyze
secondary sources regarding the
chosen theme or motif

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