Posted: September 16th, 2017

write a conversation with the show host

write a conversation with the show host

Order Description

its not like a normal essay, in this paper, you need to write a conversation with the show host. please read the description carefully below!!!!!

Sophocles’s Antigone was chosen as this year’s selection of Bart’s Book Club. Bart’s Book Club is a live show program provided by UW TV station. And the program is designed to introduce world classics to our citizen.In fact, you are the one who recommended this book to the program. And the producer and show host decided to invite you to their live show to discuss the book with you. And tonight you will have to discuss the book with our show host Bart Simpson.

In this 3-4 page paper, you will have to create an imaginary conversation between you and the show host. In this conversation, you are required to address the following four inquiries:

Why Antigone needs to be illuminated as a world classic in the 21st
What kind of virtue Antigone embodies.
What kind of limit(s) Antigone shows (whether it is a moral limit or strategic limit).
What a tragedy (as a literary form) aims at or what meanings a tragedy provides us with.

Other requirements are as follows:

Avoid colloquial expressions or inappropriate words.
Avoid whole plot summary: you many use plot summary, but make it brief.
Use four elements of complex arguments.
Use at least 3 direct or indirect quotations in the MLA style (which means your paper should also include A Work Cited section at the end of the pages).
Do NOT exceed 4 pages in total.

Targeted Outcomes:

Outcome #1, 2, 3, 4 are targeted in this paper. Do your best to adequately address them. To prepare, re-review the “Outcomes” in our course syllabus.

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