Posted: December 8th, 2016

write an essay for your fellow workers about the key purchasing/ supply management issues associated with negotiation, conflict management, contract management, purchasing laws, ethics, lean supply chains, purchasing services, supply chain information systems, electronic sourcing, performance measurement, and purchasing/ supply management trends

Exam Essay Question

Your manager knows that you have completed a course in Purchasing and Materials

Management. Your manager would like you to write an essay for your fellow workers about

the key purchasing/ supply management issues associated with negotiation, conflict

management, contract management, purchasing laws, ethics, lean supply chains,

purchasing services, supply chain information systems, electronic sourcing, performance

measurement, and purchasing/ supply management trends. The essay is to identify key

purchasing/ supply management issues and explain how these issues are managed. You

need to determine the number of key issues as part of the exam. Your essay should only

discuss the issues that you have determined to be the key issues. One of the factors that

your exam is being graded on is how well you can determine and identify the key issues and

explain how to manage these issues. Textbook used is “Purchasing & Supply Chain Management” 5 th edition by Monczka, Handfield,

Giunipero, and Patterson (2011), and should be primary reference with page number.

Other references can be cited as well.

This essay should be written in academic, good English at graduate level. APA referencing needed and

Maximum 5 pages double-space, Arial font 12. Turnitin will be used to detect plagiarism.

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