Posted: September 13th, 2017

write Guideline for sidewalks/crosswalks On a San Fernando city, California

write Guideline for sidewalks/crosswalks On a San Fernando city, California,1st+St,+San+Fernando,+CA+91340&gl=us&sa=X&ei=UEmkUI3SHuOYiQKh0YD4BQ&ved=0CC4Q8gEwAA

(1) Gehl, J. (2008). “Lively, Attractive and Safe Cities – but how?” in Tigran Haas (Ed.) New Urbanism and Beyond: Designing Cities for the Future, New York: Rizzoli, 106-108.
(2) Nozzi, D. (2008). “Speed, Size, and the Destruction of Cities?” in Tigran Haas (Ed.) New Urbanism and Beyond: Designing Cities for the Future, New York: Rizzoli, 89-92.
(2) Rapoport, A. (1987). “Pedestrian Street Use: Culture and Perception” in A. V. Moudon (Ed.) Public Streets for Public Use. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 80-92.
READINGS: (1) Marcus, C. C. (1990). “Introduction: Public Places and Design Guidelines” in Marcus, C. C. and Francis, C. (Eds.) People Places: Design Guidelines for Urban Open Space. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1-7.
(2) Steiner, F. R. and Butler, K. (2006). Planning and Urban Design Standards. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons., 143-149, 170-175, 280-282
READING: Gehl, J. (2010). Cities for People. London: Island Press, 119-133.

1. Improve Pedestrians infrastructure protection

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