Posted: September 13th, 2017

Writing a Proposal

Writing a Proposal

Over the course of the past few weeks, you have read all of the materials in Chapter 25, “What Should Diversity mean on Campus and Why.”

For the chapter twelve essay, you will be writing a proposal on the topic of campus diversity. Your paper will be 5 to 6 pages (not including the works cited page) and in MLA format. To prepare for your essay, answer these questions.

Step One: Defining your thoughts and getting ready to write

Review the notes you took while reading
Choose one issue concerning diversity as discussed in the readings

The issue I choose to speak about is…….

Do some further reading on the subject if you need further information. Take notes in which you note your source of information. Quote or paraphrase the items you write down in your notes.
Formulate a proposal claim regarding the issue. Your proposal is the course of action or change in policy that you are putting forth.

My proposal claim is…..

What are the reasons (evidence) why this course of action needs to be taken

… etc.

Are their terms in your claim that need to be defined before you set forth your argument?

Hint: all of you will need to define “diversity.”

Make a list of terms to be defined and how you would define them.

Can you give quantitative (hard evidence p. 218)  and qualitative evidence (values, traditions, emotions… p. 219) to support your argument?
How do you intend to incorporate “ethos” and “pathos” into your argument?
What future effects will the adoption of your proposal have? If it is not adopted, what will the future effects be?

Step Two: Organizing your proposal

When you organize your proposal, include the following elements in this order. In other words, all students will use the following as the outline of their papers.

I. Introduce your proposal claim.

Be clever.Incorporate some ethos to get the attention of the audience. You may cite one of the incidents or some information that you read about in your readings. Include a description of the problem you intend to address or the state of affairs that leads you to propose the action. Highlight your claim or thesis.

II. Identify and define all relevant terms in your claim.

III. Reasons: Identify the key reasons why action is needed. Give both quantitative and qualitative evidence. and the effects that taking this action will have (causes & effects)

IV. A demonstration of ways in which the proposal addresses the need

V. Effects: Finish up your proposal with future considerations. How will the adoption of the proposal change diversity on campus? If no action is taken, what may future consequences be?

Step Three:

Assembling your essay

In a word document assemble  the parts of the essay that you have created in the proceeding steps (Introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion).

Check your essay against the following rubric questions:

Is it the correct number of pages? (works cited is not included in count)

Are the in-text citations MLA formatted?

Is the works cited page MLA formatted?

Is the paper MLA formatted?

Is the thesis well constructed?

Do the thesis and body paragraphs answer the prompt?

Are there quotes and paraphrases from the required readings in the essay to support statements? (at least one quote per reading)

Is the paper logical and coherent?

Is the paper relatively error free? (grammar, spelling…)

Have you highlighted at least one instance of ethos, pathos and logic?

Upload your final essay as an attachment so that it may be graded.

Good luck!

If you have followed these steps carefully, you will do a great job!


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