Posted: May 27th, 2015

Writing assignment requirement

Writing assignment requirement



Length: Answer to each question should be between1/2 page and one page in length, double-spaced, using 12-point font.


Factual adequacy and correctness: Answers should incorporate as many facts as possible from the textbook and lectures. There should be no factual errors.


Going beyond the facts:Answers should demonstrate, as appropriate, knowledge, comprehension, analysis, application, synthesis, and evaluation of the factual material.


Style and quality:Answers should be in your own words. No incomplete sentences and/or bullet points. Written in appropriate academic style. No spelling or grammatical errors. No copying from textbook or lectures.


In preparing writing assignments, you may use your textbook, your notes and the posted PowerPoint lectures. No other sources of information are needed, and other sources of information should not be used. You are not expected to search for additional material or to cite additional sources of information in your answers.

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