Posted: September 22nd, 2015

Writing by an arbitrary style manual


Part 1: As a leader, one of the most valuable assets is human capital. Chip Conley author of How Great Companies Get Their Mojo from Maslow, provides us with an approach to get the best out of employees, customers, and other key stakeholders.

First listen to the Ted Talk and then provide one insight that appealed to you. Then describe how you can implement it into your leadership.
Points to consider: Words of wisdom by Chip Conley: “Even if you’re big, act small. People are more likely to trust you when they can relate to you. And being humble means you’re a more empathic listener” (Conley, 2007).
Jenn Lim – Can We Nudge the World to a Happier Place (
Discusses whether the model of happiness be applied to business.
Part 2: As supervisors and managers, should one be limited to how one writes by an arbitrary style manual?

Should the Human Resources department or public relations team make decisions about how the company presents itself internally and externally?

What input would you place in your organization about using an arbitrary style of writing?


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