Posted: March 11th, 2015

Year 8 – Portfolio Task – FILM REVIEW

Year 8 – Portfolio Task – FILM REVIEW

Project description
TASK: Create a film review for Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet.
Instructions: For this task you need to show off your knowledge of Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet and your understanding of HOW TO WRITE A FILM REVIEW.
You must include:
A catchy Title
A short plot summary
Background information (about the stars, director, production, staff, interesting things about the making of the film, the genre, and the film’s source material.
You only need to cover SOME of these points. You do not need to cover all of these points).
Arguments about the film.
Rating out of 5.
PRESENTATION: You may complete the task using the computer. YOU WILL MAKE SURE YOU HAVE USED THE CONVENTIONS OF A FILM REVIEW in the most creative way you can think

You will submit your work on an A4 piece of paper with your name as the reviewer.
Work will be marked on:
Presenatation, effort, creativity, originality, and attention to detail.
Understanding of the conventions of a film review.
Use of language including interest, style, vocabularly, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure.
NB: The entire tone of the review should be influenced by the reviewers evaluation of the film. The reader should get a fairly clear idea of the reviewers opinion

after they have read the review’s opening sentence. However, this does NOT mean hat you should start a review with statements like “This was a good movie”, or “you

should go see this film right now!” But it does mean that the reader should have a general idea about where the reviewer stands on the film from the first paragraph.

0    21.5

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