Posted: September 13th, 2017

Yemen: a failed state

Yemen: a failed state

Order Description

Case study: Yemen as a failed state provided a safe haven for Al-Qaeda to emerge and thrive with a focus on key policy options/challenges that can be used to respond to the terrorist group.
Outline is attached.

This case study should explore Operationalizing Conflict Resolution Approaches. You should present a very brief analysis of the context, an overview of programming strategies and actors, and a plan (including a discussion of the challenges) for addressing terrorism. The plan should include what types of activities are needed (or an analysis of existing activities), which actors should be responsible for these activities, what are the intended and possible unintended outcomes of the approach, etc. If possible, you are encouraged to conduct interviews with relevant scholars, practitioners or regional experts. You will have to conduct a formal presentation to the class. Focuses on the key policy options/challenges that can be used to respond to the group. Only use class materials in the paper.

Please don’t get lost in the minute details of each case but instead use the cases to explore the larger policy, Practice and ethical issues
Make sure you also come up with clear definitions and indicators for failed state and address what can be done by Local actors as well as the regional and intl ones as well

Please use only the attached and be very specific and thorough with every citation page number. Class readings are attached. Plus:
U.S. Drone Use Has Contributed To Yemen’s Instability

If more is required use:

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