Posted: September 17th, 2017

Yorkshire Tea: taking Yorkshire Tea to the world- the story of Little Urn

MKTG 1101 Consumer Behaviour Semester 1 2015

Written Assignment Part 1: Individual Case Study (20%)

Questions for Case 1: Victoria Bitter: Reviving a once loved Aussie icon


  1. What is brand equity?  Should a push towards brand equity underlie all marketing campaigns? How was the concept of brand equity implemented for this campaign to target “men who selected brands based on values over image”?
  2. How did using different communication strategies drive this campaign? Include a discussion of target audience in your response.
  3. What influences consumer spending? Explain your response by referring to two internal and two external influences and specific examples from the case.

Questions for Case 2: Bankwest: Money won’t make you happy. But being happy can make you money


  1. Define brand image and the relevance of the concept to product positioning. How did Bankwest employ brand image to ‘build a brand based on positive things’?
  2. How were a ‘cast of characters’ used to strengthen the campaign? Explain referring to other past campaigns by any other brands/ companies that have used ‘universal symbols’ as a marking strategy
  3. What influences consumer spending? Explain your response by referring to  two internal and two external influences and specific examples from the case

Questions for Case 3: Yorkshire Tea: taking Yorkshire Tea to the world- the story of Little Urn


  1. Define involvement theory. How does the ‘involvement state’ influence consumer’s purchase decisions? Explain this in terms of the case.
  2. How did consumers being ‘indifferent to the difference between products” create a dilemma for Yorkshire Tea? What strategies were used to address this?
  3. What influences consumer spending? Explain your response by referring to two internal and two external influences and specific examples from the case


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