Posted: February 13th, 2015

You are the manager of the clinic, in this case, a physician, and you have the OPPORTUNITY to positively impact the experience of patients, take your role seriously.

page 1. Draw fist process flow
page 2. Draw modified profess flow
page 3. Provide justification

1. You are the manager of the clinic, in this case, a physician, and you have the OPPORTUNITY to positively impact the experience of patients, take your role seriously.

This represents something you will have the OPPORTUNITY to do in your professional career, guaranteed. It is important that you try to think about how you could practically, realistically impact a positive change. Be explicit and detailed.

Richard lvey School of Business
The University of Western Ontario
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Dr. Kellie Leitch glanced at the data on wait times collected from the patients in one other clinics. As
Chief of Paedian’ic‘ Orthopaedic surgery at the Children’s Hospital of’Westem Ontario (Cl-TWO), she was
l – very concerned by the long times that theyoungpatients (and their parents) were experiencing/in the daily
i clinic. Long wait times tended to aggravate the already pent-up distress and concern that they were feeling,
and parents were understandably irritated at missing significant time at work. Cun‘ent’lya. on an average,
patients were spending roughly two hours in the clinic.
Patient health was not Dr. Leitch’s‘ only concern. Clinical .stafi‘ had increasingly complained about being
over-extended, yet budgetary pressures to reduce the cos-t of service continued to mount She was not
convinced that all ‘stafir was being effectively utilized, and there was an unresolved request from the
Radiology department for more advanced equipment Dr. Leitch also served on several government task
forces. From these, she knew that federal and provincialpolicy-makers were increasingly concerned with
the economic impactthat health-care wait times had on national economic productivity.
in amoment of weakness, Dr. Leitch recently had volunteered her clinic to hospital management as a “test
case” to demonstratethat patient care could be done in a’more timely fashion, without increasing costs. An
objective of reducing wait times by 20 per cent was established to Show meaningful improvement that
would :be clearly evident to patients, staff and management. A monthly eXecutive meeting was fast
approaching, and expectations were starting to run high that Dr. ‘Leitch would present preliminary
recommendations that would offers-ignificant reductions. r
As part of London Health “Sciences Centre, located in the city of London, Ontario, Canada, CHWO was a
large, regional health-.carecentre that, provided specialized paediatric services to children. The population
1.Paediatn’c orthopaedicsjs the branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of injun‘es

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