Posted: June 7th, 2014

You, Gandhi/Zapata and Agrarianism

Project description
Final Paper: You, Gandhi/Zapata and Agrarianism

For this class, I will be asking each team to answer to each of these questions:

Briefly, what was the historical (political and economic) context of the time in which your chosen person found himself?

What was the political, economic and social state of his country – including the roles of agriculture and peasants in each system?

Who and what was Gandhi/Zapata “fighting“ and why was it unjust?

How was each displaying “civil disobedience” or criminal behavior?

How would you describe the basic philosophy that guided Gandhi/Zapata?

How did he define freedom, survival, nationalism, private property, individualism, individual versus community values and the ownership / importance of land?

How could Gandhi/Zapata be considered an agrarian?

Do you think Gandhi/Zapata was successful?

What do you think was the most important limitation of Gandhi/Zapata (or their respective movements) in achieving their goals?

What lessons can we take from Gandhi/Zapata regarding:

Global issues of social/ecological justice

Local issues of food security and new agrarianism in Portland or the United States.

How has this person’s story personally impacted you or affected how you might view your own place in the political, economic system of agrarian issues.

The point of this last class session is to not only overview all of the concepts from the course, but also to give you an opportunity to compare and contrast what each

man and each movement has meant to the world as we know it, locally and globally … And of course have some good food together!


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