Posted: September 17th, 2017


i have placed an order with you guys before, i submitted it to my supervisor and she marked it but there was plenty of errors that needs to be corrected. she marked it and she noted what has to be changed. some of her notes are on a paper that i will attach and some of her notes are in writing i will paste below :
I have read your revised paper – and while I appreciate that you have done some more thinking about the project, there are still a number of problems and gaps to fill. For example, your methodology is very very weak. You need to look at examples of similar studies to see what has been done and how. I’m attaching the proposal with my comments here.

I am also copying Dr Chris Moore into this email . Chris is an expert in the area of Twitter studies and has supervised a number of theses on this topic. He has also offered to talk to you via Skype to help you think through some of the issues.

I will say first that the revised document is not of standard that would be sufficient in terms of ideas and writing for a PhD candidate, but there is a core potential here and can be revised with extensive thinking and redrafting.

The introduction is starting to set the scene for the project, but there needs to be more attention to explaining why the two categories of Twitter and Youth are of interest.

Why is this social media platform the one to focus on over others that might popular in Kuwait?

Before getting into the method and purpose of the study we need a sense of what the term ‘youth’ means, especially in regards to Kuwait cultural practices, commercial activities and government policies, etc.

How is youth defined, what cultures, histories, practices, experiences, genders, races, and other media practices are included in the ‘youth’ of Kuwait?

The purpose of the study can then be significantly refined and needs to address some important questions:

Is this a study of Twitter users who identity being young and from Kuwait? If so, how and why is this relevant? What do we stand to gain from this investigation? What specific things do you want to find out?

Is this a study of Kuwait Twitter users and the performance of a ‘youth’ identity on social media or will you be attempting to analyse the content of the Tweets to account for what young people are saying and tweeting? What can you compare this material against, and how has youth and social media already been accounted for in Kuwait?

There is an absolutely massive wealth of current Twitter research, both qualitative and quantitative, that needs to be properly considered in helping to establish the significance of the study. Perhaps when we talk I can suggest ways to begin to establish an appropriate and fully developed methodology.

secondly i will also attach another paper which is the question paper. the part you edited above is part 1,2 and 3
now i need you to do part
4. literature review
5. review of competitive artworks
6. research plan
as i said you will find them in the question paper

NOTE: i need this to be in 100% academic form that will have lots of examples.

i need this all to be written usinf harvard style

note: UK dictionary

note: make sure you have sources for all information you put in ( place the source in between brackets next to the information)

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