Posted: June 20th, 2017

You’ve just finished writing a short story for your student literary magazine. It’s gotten rave reviews from everyone who has read it and your adviser has said you should submit it to a commercial publisher. What must you do to make sure it is protected by copyright law and can’t be stolen by someone else?

You’ve just finished writing a short story for your student literary
magazine. It’s gotten rave reviews from everyone who has read it
and your adviser has said you should submit it to a commercial
publisher. What must you do to make sure it is protected by
copyright law and can’t be stolen by someone else?
a. Include a copyright notice on your work (e.g., © 2005 John Doe).
b. Send two copies of your work, along with a completed copyright
registration form and filing fee to the U.S. Copyright Office.
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above.

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