Posted: September 13th, 2017

Zetioun, the Man Who Quit Money and the Hero With a Thousand Faces

Zetioun, the Man Who Quit Money and the Hero With a Thousand Faces

There are three sources that need to use in this essay:
1. Book: Zeitoun, written by Dave Eggers
2. Book: The Man Who Quit Money, written by Mark Sundeen
3. An article: The Hero with a Thousand Faces, written by Joseph Campbell(P1-P37)

In Dave Eggers’ most recent work of creative non-fiction Zeitoun, we follow the incredible story of Abdulrahman and Kathy Zeitoun: we learn about Abdulrahman’s life and his growing family business before Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans in 2005; we learn of his neighborly acts of kindness and generosity during the storm and in the initial aftermath of it; we learn of Abdulrahman’s subsequent incarceration by the federal government, and the suspect tactics that were used to imprison him; and then, ultimately, we learn of his release from incarceration and his faltering attempt at piecing his life back together in a broken and wounded New Orleans.

Likewise, Abdulrahman’s story conforms (and does not conform) to Joseph Campbell’s thesis about the role of the hero-figure in mythologies from across the globe. Recall that Campbell’s thesis, roughly, is that the hero is separated from an original group, initiated into another, and then finally reintegrated back into the original group with a new knowledge (or treasure) that benefits the community as a whole.

We have also similarly seen how Mark Sundeen, author of The Man Who Quit Money, maps Daniel Shellaberger’s (nee Daniel Suelo) life story onto Joseph Campbell’s mythological schema, from a blunder with eating a poisonous cactus, to his suicide attempt, and culminating with his eventual decision to live a life devoid of monetary exchange.

Write a essay that synthesizes these three sources and that demonstrates how Abdulrahman Zeitoun and Daniel Suelo do or do not correspond to Joseph Campbell’s theory. Would Joseph Campbell think that Zeitoun and Suelo’s stories are hero myths?
Be sure to support your answer by using Campbell’s schema of separation, initiation, and return. When applying the components of Zeitoun and Suelo’s story to Campbell’s thesis, be as specific as possible. The more you analyze and develop your answer according to the following components, the more persuasive it will be.

Recall the following

Phase 1. Departure. The Call to Adventure. Refusal of the Call. Supernatural Aid. The Crossing of the First Threshold. The Belly of the Whale.

Phase 2. Initiation. The Road of Trials. The Meeting with the Goddess. Woman as the Temptress. Atonement with the Father. Apotheosis. The Ultimate Boon.

Phase 3. Return. Refusal of the Return. The Magic Flight. Rescue from Without. The Crossing of the Return Threshold. Master of the Two Worlds. Freedom to Live.

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