Posted: September 13th, 2017

Zolvix Oral Solution for Sheep

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



i’ll add some files that have all the necessary information and requirements, but the paper needs to concentrate on drug response and metabolism.


Zolvix oral solution for sheep




For one of the following topics:




Write a report discussing how a main drug associated with the topic chosen produces the desired or therapeutic effects.


Your report should include:

  1. An introduction to the condition / disease, its symptoms and therapeutic treatment
  2. An outline of the desired effects expected from the drug
  3. A description of how the drug is metabolised by the body
  4. Include scientific journal article information in the report as reference support along with recommended texts




1500 words (+ 10%) excluding the reference list, tables and appendices.  Please state the word count on the last page of your assignment.


Websites where I found some useful information:


This is a list of recommended literature that tutor gave us but not exclusive so any other sources can be used as well:

Frandson, R.D., Wilke, L.W and Fails, A.D. (2009) Anatomy and physiology of Farm Animals. 7th Edition. Wiley-Blackwell.

Hunter, R.P. (2012) Animal health drug discovery, development, and registration. Wiley-Blackwell

Kaufmann, J. (1996) Parasitic Infections of Domestic Animals.Birkhauser

Lane, D.R. and Cooper, B. (2003) Veterinary NursingBook 2nd Edition. Butterworth Heinemann

Maddison, J.E., Page, S.W. and Church, D.B. (2008) Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology. 2nd Edition. Saunders Elsevier

Neal, M.J. (2012) Medical Pharmacology at a Glance. Wiley-Blackwell

Reece, W.O. (2009) Functional anatomy and physiology of domestic animals. Wiley-Blackwell

Studdert, V.P., Gay, C.C. and Blood, D.C. (2012) Saunders comprehensive veterinary dictionary. Saunders (W.B.) co Ltd

Underhill, B.W. (2012) Parasites and parasitosis of the domestic animals: The zoology and control of the animal, parasites and the pathogenesis and treatment of parasitic diseases. Forgotten Books.

Williams, J. (2009) Complete textbook of animal health and welfare. Saunders Ltd

Webster, J. (2005) Animal welfare: Limping towards Eden. Wiley-Blackwell



Journal of Animal Science

Animal Behaviour

Animal Welfare

Veterinary Record

Veterinary Nursing Journal

Equine Veterinary Journal


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