Posted: May 8th, 2015


Question and Requirement:


Write a report analysing the feasibility of two different methods of reducing the violent crime rate in a city MUST write Chicagoor state in North, South or Central America. You may not choose a city or state in your home country. The city or state must have an existing high rate of violent crime.


You must analyse and compare the two methods in terms of two or three requirements. These requirements must include effectiveness and cost.


 Make a final recommendation to the city or state government


Report: MUST write like following Structure

1.0 Introduction


Define crime.

Define violent crime.

Introduce your city / state.

Introduce high rates of violent crime in your city / state.

Introduce your options.

Introduce your requirements (cost, effectiveness and maybe 1 more).

Purpose statement: This report will analyse the feasibility of (option 1) and (option 2) in terms of (requirements) and make a recommendation as to which option is most feasible / viable / useful for reducing the current high rates of violent crime in (city / state).


2.0 Background


Give basic information, ie. about your city / state.

Give economic information, ie. GDP, average wage, current city / state budget ….

Give topic information, ie. current rates of violent crime in your city / state.


You can include any other relevant information here. These are the basics.


3.0 Presentation of Options


3.1 Option 1


Define your 1st option.


3.2 Option 2


Define your 2nd option.


4.0 Requirements


4.1 Cost


Define cost, ie. For the purpose of this report cost will be defined as ….

Say how you will measure the requirement, ie. Cost will be measured in USD / GBP ….

Relate cost to your city / state, ie. Cost is important to Detroit, as the budget is currently low due to the city becoming bankrupt in 2011 (citation).


4.2 Effectiveness


Define effectiveness, ie. For the purpose of this report effectiveness will be defined as ….

Say how you will measure the requirement, ie. Effectiveness will be measured in by the % decrease in violent crime …

Relate effectiveness to your city / state, ie. Effectiveness is important to Detroit, as there is currently a high rate of violent crime in the city (citation).


4.3 Optional 3rd requirement


Define requirement, ie. For the purpose of this report (requirement) will be defined as ….

Say how you will measure the requirement, ie. (requirement) will be measured in by the % decrease in violent crime …

Relate the requirement to your city / state, ie. (requirement) is important to Detroit, as…. (citation).


5.0 Comparison of Options


5.1 Cost


5.1.1 Option 1


Discuss the cost of your 1st option. Use data from other cities / states to project the probable cost of the option for your city / state.


5.1.2 Option 2


Discuss the cost of your 2nd option. Use data from other cities / states to project the probable cost of the option for your city / state.




5.2 Effectiveness


5.2.1 Option 1


Discuss the effectiveness of your 1st option. Use data from other cities / states to project the probable effectiveness of the option for your city / state.


5.2.2 Option 2


Discuss the effectiveness of your 2nd option. Use data from other cities / states to project the probable effectiveness of the option for your city / state.




5.3 Requirement 3


5.3.1 Option 1


Discuss the (requirement) of your 2nd option. Use data from other cities / states to project the probable (requirement) of the option for your city / state.



5.3.2 Option 2


Discuss the (requirement) of your 2nd option. Use data from other cities / states to project the probable (requirement) of the option for your city / state.




6.0 Conclusion


You can draw conclusions in other ways, or have extra concluding information, but a basic model is:


6.1 Conclusion about cost.


6.2 Conclusion about effectiveness.


6.3 Conclusion about (optional 3rd requirement).


7.0 Recommendation


This should be written as a paragraph. Draw links between the information in your conclusion and the background to make a logical, fully supported and justified recommendation.


For example:


Option 1 is more expensive and more effective than option 2, which is still relatively effective. However, the city / state has too small a budget to implement it, so option 2 is recommended.




Option 1 is more expensive than option 2 and option 1 is effective in the short-term, while option 2 is effective in the long-term. If the budget is large enough, then they could both be recommended together, with option 1 as a short-term solution and option 2 as a long-term solution.


Important information:

  • Your report must use sub-headings and a numbering system
  • Your report must include .
  • The report should be 1600 words


Use of Sources

  • In your report you can use the sources provided by your class teacher and at least five additional academic sources from your own research.
  • You should include tables and refer to these in the text. Data in the tables may be synthesized from different sources. Graphs and maps may also be added if appropriate.
  • Support should be synthesized as much as possible, where this is appropriate.
  • You must provide in-text citations and final references for all sources you refer to in your report. You must use English language sources – you should not translate ideas from non-English sources.


You will be assessed on:

  • The relevance of your ideas; the effectiveness of your comparisons and recommendation(s); your critical analysis of relevant issues.
  • The structure of your report (completeness; organisation of ideas; use of headings and numbering; linking of ideas).
  • Your choice of relevant and appropriate source material – including specific examples and data – to support your ideas.
  • Your incorporation of source material including synthesis, paraphrase/summary, in-text citations and final references.
  • Appropriate and accurate use of English, especially register and style; adherence to all task guidelines.


Submission Guidelines:
  1. Use a standard academic font, size 12 and use 1.5 spacing between lines.
  2. Each page of your assignment should have a header with your student ID number, module code (e.g. FC043) and the name of your class tutor. Do not write your name.
  3. All pages should be numbered.
  4. Staple all pages together.
  5. Include a title page consisting of the following information:
    • Module Code (e.g. PM5042T)
    • Class/Group: (e.g. Group A, Class 1)
    • Module Title (e.g. Research Project)
    • Assessment Title (e.g. literature review, Project Report etc)
    • Assignment Title: (e.g. Add in your Research Title)
    • Tutor Name: (name of tutor)
    • Student ID Number: (please add your ID number only and NOT your name)
    • Date of Submission: (date)


You may be penalised according to the GIC Assessment Rules if:

  1. You submit coursework that is above the stated word limit by more than 20% the mark awarded for this assessment shall be reduced by 10%.

    For example, if you score 60% for the assignment however you are over by 20% your score will be calculated as follows: 60 – (10% of 60 which is 6 ) = 54% overall

    To calculate specific word length, all text in reference lists and appendices should be excluded. You MUST include a word count at the end of your assignment.


  1. You hand in your assignment later than the stated deadline. You must submit work for assessment by the stated deadline.  If you do not, the following penalties for written work will apply:

(Unless there are valid reasons for the lateness (e.g. illness) and this is supported with an EEC form and evidence)

Number of Working Days Late Penalty Awarded
1 85% of original mark
2 80% of original mark
3 75% of original mark
More than 3 Zero mark awarded


  1. Any part of your work is found to have been directly copied from a source (e.g. a book, another student’s essay, an internet website) without the appropriate referencing convention.

Please be reminded that this must be written by you. If the level and sophistication of your language is considerably higher than other pieces of written work you have produced, it will be assumed that you were given unfair assistance and you will either be penalised for plagiarism or receive no credit for clarity of expression.

Please note that the following examples of collusion are considered as academic misconduct and, in the absence of hard evidence, you may be asked to attend a meeting to discuss your understanding of the work. If you do not attend such a meeting, tutors may use academic judgement to determine whether or not an offence has taken place.


Examples include a situation where a student:

  1. intentionally submits as entirely his or her own work, an essay or report written by another person.
  2. permits another candidate to copy all or part of their own work, knowing it is to be submitted as that other candidate’s own work;
  3. allows another person to re-write large sections of the students’ work.


You will also need to submit an electronic version of your assignment to Turnitin on the same day.

Failure to submit through Turnitin on time will result in a deduction of 10% from your mark. If your online submission is later than one working week from the required submission date you will receive a mark of ZERO for this assignment. The online submission MUST be identical to the paper submission or there will be 25% deduction from the final assignment score. Students are required to report any technical difficulties to the class tutor and to send an e-copy direct to the class tutor if necessary.



No extensions for assessments will be given.


Late Arrival or Absence from Oral Assessments
If you are late or absent from an oral assessment, then you must complete a form at the office explaining the reason for the absence/late arrival and attach evidence. This will then be taken into account before the assessment board if valid evidence (eg a letter from a doctor) has been provided. You will not be allowed into the assessment venue if you are late and you will not be offered another timeslot later in the week; you will be recorded as absent and awarded zero for the assessment.


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