Posted: September 13th, 2017

APP Ethics in Business and Psychology

The Application assignment asks you to consider ethical principles and codes of conduct from the OPD perspective. What do OPD professionals need to understand in order to assist and guide organizations?

To prepare for this assignment:

Review the readings and media for this week on ethical behavior in organizations and businesses: in Behavior in Organizations, pp. 47–65 and in Business: A Changing World, pp. 38–51.
Review the APA Code of Conduct.
Think about how the ethical principles and code of conduct guidelines, written for the whole of psychology, relate to OPD.
The assignment:

Compare (similarities and differences) the ethical concerns and considerations as noted in the business chapter on ethics, the organizational behavior chapter on ethics, and the APA.

Select one of the general guidelines on the APA site and state specifically how it relates to OPD.
Support your Application assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.


Course Text: Business: A Changing World
Chapter 2, "Business Ethics and Social Responsibility" (pp. 34-64)
Appendix B, "The Legal and Regulatory Environment" (pp. 69-82)
Case Study, "Rebuilding America’s Trust in Business” (pp. 67-68)
Course Text: Behavior in Organizations
Chapter 2, "Organizational Justice, Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility"
Web site

APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct

Optional Resources

Nielsen, W. R., Nykodym, N., & Brown, D. (2005). Ethics and organizational change. In W. L. French, Cecil H. Bell Jr., & R. A. Zawacki (Eds.), Organization development and transformation: Managing effective change (6th ed., pp. 422-432). Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Badaracco, J. (1997). Defining moments: When managers must choose between right and right. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Corporate Responsibility Officers
A magazine and membership organization for Corporate Responsibility Officers.

The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University
This research center is a source for articles and materials on topics including Business Ethics, Global Ethics and Ethical Leadership and Technology Ethics.

This site lists articles and resources.
BELL: The Business Ethics Links Library: Resources for Research in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

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