Posted: April 14th, 2015


Original  requirements in handbook:

(1)4000 Word Critical Review (Essay Format)
(2)Critically examine the value of branding  in  hospitality

Part 1A critical review of the current state of thinking in the literature on  branding
(1,500 words)

Part 2. A review of how your branding has/is been/being embedded in hospitality/hotel industry (1,500 words)

Part 3.  Critique the value of branding whilst making recommendations for its use in the future.
(1,000 words)

Teacher’s guidance and requirements, follow this structure or similar to this structure as much as possible

Part1. A critical review of branding(1500)(need  lots  of references )
(1)definition branding
(2)importance of brand
(3)brand value

{if this three contents cannot add to 1500words, you can write the contents about branding equity or branding strategy, up to you}

2.a review of branding in hospitality(1500)(the number fo references in this part up to you, as much as possible)
(1)Brand value in hotel industry
(2)Positive: What benefits does brand value bring to hospitality industry
(3)Negative: What issues hotels should face when hotels lost brand values.

(4)You should develop case study about 2 hotels and compare them, and analysis how they keep and develop their own brand value.

And, these 2 hotel are better one is a big international hotel like Marriott, another is a Chinese brand hotel which only operate in China,like some economy hotel: 7 days, home Inn, or some same level luxury hotel with Marriott in China, but its difficult to find materials. Which two you like use as case study depend on the relative references you can find.

(advice:When you find materials, you can input “CSR hotel in China”.)

3.critique the value of branding, and give advises of the use in the future.(1000)(Less references)
(1) Show understanding and opinions about part 1 and part2.
(2) What the Chinese hotel(one case study in part2 ) need to think about in the future.
(what should learn from another one? What should improve?….)

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