Posted: December 3rd, 2014

census paper

census paper

Order Description

census paper writing assignment will examine how the United States has changed demographically over time (between 2010 and a previous decade; you use 2000 or examine an earlier decade such as 1990 or 1980), and how the country compares with a either a selected single U.S. state or another country. When you compare the U.S. as a whole to either a U.S. state or another country you should try to align the years of your data sources. Ideally, you would also look at changes over time in your chosen state or country and reflect on how these compare to changes in the U.S. as a whole; however, if data limitations prevent you from doing this (as may be the case for some countries), you may compare the most recent year of data for that country to the most recent year of data for the U. S. as a whole.
In this paper, you will describe two or three demographic characteristics of the U.S. population and how they have changed over time. There are many possibilities, but some include: the age and sex structure, the race-ethnic composition, the composition of native and foreign born individuals, mortality and fertility patterns, the marital status of the population, etc. Much of this data can come from census and other vital statistics reports in the US and similar sources for other countries (if applicable).
Second, you should compare the same demographic characteristics of the U.S. with the respective demographic characteristics of either a single U.S. state or a country of your choice. For both the U.S. as a whole and your comparison state/country please analyze the possible social, economic and political factors that may explain these changes, drawing on your readings from class. You may also utilize additional sources such as journal articles and news reports, but they are not necessary. Please include a final section in your essay indicating your conclusions and personal reflections on how these findings may help us better understand the current and future social challenges of the United States (and your other state/country).
Format Guidelines:
• Please include your name, ID number and an informative title at the top of your paper.
• Each paper should be 5 to 6 pages (not including a reference page and any tables or graphs you want to include at the end of your paper), 1.5 spaced, with one inch margins, be free of grammar and spelling errors, and utilize proper American Sociological Association citation practices.
• Papers that show evidence of plagiarism is not acceptable.
• Your paper should include an introduction, a description of changes over time in the U. S., a description of differences and similarities between the US and either a specific state or another country, an analysis of factors that would explain these changes and differences, and a personal reflection and conclusion.
Refeneces :
Use the Notes and the sites in the Census notes and this site:
Myers, Dowell. 2007. Immigrants and Boomers. Russell Sage Foundation: New York. Weeks, John. 2012. Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues, 11th ed. Wadsworth:
United States.


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