Posted: April 1st, 2015

Budgetary Priorities

Paper Outline

  1. i) Introduction
  2. ii) Public Policy Problems in Mississippi

(a) Health Care

(b) Education

(c) Job Training Programs

iii) Augments that support public policy problems have not been addressed

  1. IV) Conclusion


















Public Policy Problems


Public Policy is a system of laws and regulations that normally defines the state objectives relating to; healthcare, acceptable morals, education, as well as any issue relating to the well-being of citizens. Therefore, legislature and the court of law should nullify any action that tends to be contrary to the predetermined objectives (CQ Press, 2011). Additionally, public policy issues require high attention and collaborative engagement for both members of the public and state if a successful resolution is to be realized. The government, through the ministry of finance, has a broad responsibility towards ensuring that, there is adequate funding to all sectors of the economy. The budget should be set in such a manner that, the most urgent needs of the society are given the first priority. Issues such as health care; education, and training should be prioritized. Over the years, Mississippi and some parts of the United State have not been experiencing public policy problems. Therefore, this discussion will focus on public policy problems in Mississippi, given the fact that, Mississippi is being ranked as the poorest state in the United States (Conforti, 1994). Some of those public policy problems in Mississippi will be discussed below.

Health care issues

The evaluation of health care system in Mississippi by Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) revealed some there are some needs that need to be prioritised. Priority was provided to activities such as; disease prevention, healthcare protection, and health promotion. Other activities include; Health care for specific population, implementation of a state-wide trauma system, and health care for people with mental illness. The government should not forget to address issues such as; Enhancement of detection and response to the public health emergencies, such as the bio terrorism (Conforti, 1994). The state should improve the economic situation of its people by allocating adequate funds to health care system in Mississippi to address the problems. The U.S. government should further ensure that trauma victims receive adequate attention from the experts. This can be achieved by allocating sufficient funding to cater for training expenses for Trauma experts (Cochran, 2012). Additionally, the U.S. government should provide Mississippi health care systems with Modern biotechnology system to provide services to patients in this area.

Education and training Issues

Over the recent times, Mississippi has been experiencing serious problems in the education sector. The problems are as a result of unequal funding to the schools, whereby, public school funding comes from federal state and the local resources. In addition, the problems have escalated because almost half of the funding comes from local property taxes; the system generates large funding disparities between the rich and the poor states (Conforti, 1994). This means that, the typical student schooling in New Jersey is provided more than twice the student schooling in Mississippi. The large disparity in funding translates to poor learning facilities as well as the inability to hire highly trained teachers. Therefore, the end results are poor performances by students in underfunded public schools. Poor performances deny students a chance to further his or her education; hence leading to the unemployment problem and escalated poverty (American Legion, 1937).

Arguments that support public policy problems have not been addressed.

Unequal distribution of resources in Mississippi and some parts of the U.S. has been the subject of discussion by scholars and institution. For example, according to Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), it is revealed that, there are some unmet needs in the health sector that need to be addressed (Conforti, 1994). Also, there are high disparities in income and education standards between the rich and the poor in many parts of the United States. Therefore, adequate measures need to be put to address the problems before they become critical (Peters, 2004).


To address public policy issues facing the citizens of Mississippi, the U. S. government should prioritise the allocation of funds on its budget to the most urgent sectors of the economy. From the above discussion, the U.S. government, through the Ministry of Finance, should promote the economic development of Mississippi by allocating sufficient funds to some sectors such as; health sector, education sector, job training programs and veterans care. Through this program, the economy of Mississippi will grow, and the perceived inequality on resource distribution will be totally addressed.


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