Posted: September 19th, 2015



Assignment Overview
Businesses rely heavily on knowledge about human machine interaction (HMI) to be successful with their new and existing products.

Case Assignment
Pick three sites that seem interesting to you and that appear to be involved with the same types of HCI development as IBM. Then review the content related to those initiatives. You can select any projects dedicated to products or services.

After reading the course materials, discuss the following topic and answer the question.

Contrast IBM projects with other competitors developing similar HCI projects. Why should HCI professionals keep abreast of those projects?

Assignment Expectations
Length: Minimum 3–5 pages excluding cover page and references (since a page is about 300 words, this is approximately 900 –1,500 words).

Assignment-driven criteria (25 points): Demonstrates clear understanding of the subject and addresses all key elements of the assignment.

Critical thinking (10 points): Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem. Shows analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of required material.

Scholarly writing (5 points): Demonstrates writing proficiency at the academic level of the course; addresses the Learning Outcomes of the assignment.

Quality of references (4 points) and assignment organization (3 points): Uses relevant and credible sources to support assertions. Assignment is well organized and follows the structure of a well-written paper.

Citing sources (3 points): Uses in-text citations and properly formats references in APA style

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