Posted: September 13th, 2017

Chanel Selection

Chanel Selection

Order Description


Suggest the best communication channels for the following messages. Assume that all ten channels shown are available, ranging from face-to-face conversations to instant messages, blogs, and wikis.

1-As part of a task force to investigate cell phone marketing, you need to establish a central location where each team member can see general information about the task as well as add comments for others to see. Task force members are located throughout the country.

2-You are sitting on the couch in the evening watching TV when you suddenly remember that you were supposed to send a Jeremy some information about a shared project. Should you text him right away before you forget?

3-As an event planner, you have been engaged to research sites for a celebrity golf tournament. What is the best channel for conveying your findings to your boss or planning committee?

4-You want to persuade your manager to change your work schedule.

5-As a sales manager, you want to know which of your sales reps in the field are available immediately for a quick teleconference meeting.

6-You need to know whether Amanda in the Graphics Department can produce a rush job for you in two days.

7-Your firm must respond to a notice from the Internal Revenue Service announcing that the company owes a penalty because it under-reported its income in the previous fiscal year.

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