Posted: August 26th, 2015

: Comm Media

: Comm Media

Order Description

Comm Media Paper
Assignment Instructions
DISCLAIMER: Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

Your deliverable is a well-researched persuasive essay about mass communication. That means you must argue for or against a topic. You cannot write “about” the topic.

You have to have a clear “for or against” thesis. Any topic other than the seven listed here must be approved by the instructor and be equally timely and relevant to a

discussion of mass communication.

1. Convergence results in fewer rather than more sources of information, just more distribution channels.
2. By being inundated with “sound bite” news, Americans are less well informed now than in previous decades.
3. Media bias comes from the audience, which selects the sources to agree with its own views.
4. If the Internet kills newspapers, it will kill its own information source.
5. Citizen journalists — bloggers — will obviate traditional media reporters.
6. Advertising should be deemed appropriate for family or adult viewing, and relegated to appropriate time periods.
7. Television has a responsibility to portray minorities in proportion to their numbers in American society.
REQUIREMENTS [MLA Format and Style]
1. 1,200—1,500 words, plus cover and reference pages.
2. Double-spaced using 12-point Arial or Times New Roman.
3. You must use at least FIVE sources of which THREE must be sources other than web sites, and obtained from a library [physical or virtual]. They may not include our

textbook or any consumer newspaper or magazine. Find a communications or media or psychology or medical journal. Web sources must be research groups or associations or

well-respected media. Wikipedia,, and similar web sites are not acceptable.
4. These sources cannot be more than five years old, and they must have an author.
5. The sources used in the paper must be cited using MLA sty
le with in-text citations and a works cited.

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