Posted: September 13th, 2017

Country Screening

The report will comprise 6 sections but my  part is country screening. The chosen company is Texcraft (textile industry). 

The Fundamentals
a) Develop a deep understanding of how to apply various strategic management tools and

frameworks to an organisation seeking to internationalise. You are encouraged to explore various

tools and frameworks to guide your thinking, but think about the process you wish to follow, you do

not  need to apply all models and frameworks you have learnt. It is part of your ‘Mastersness’, the

ability to select and defend the tools you have used.

b) Agree an effective and efficient way of working together for the duration of the project, based on

mutual respect and open communication. To help you to think about how you will do this, the

module team is asking all members of each team to discuss, agree and sign a “Code of Conduct’ to

define how you will work together. These are your team’s ‘rules of the game’ and provide the basis for

discussing peer assessment at the end of the module. The module team has made available to you an

example of a completed ‘Code of Conduct’. Please use it to shape your own. 

The More Specific

a) Give some thought to where to find relevant and up-to-date information. REMEMBER, that to sell such a product/service in the target geographic region, students will need to understand the sector

in general and the region/country(ies) in which the company wishes to develop new business. A

good starting point is reference to the talks given to you by the client companies, and any additional

information 18provided to you. It is likely that students can find useful information on the sector and

these countries on a number of websites and also by accessing, finding and analysing information

through online resources such as the GlobalEDGE website, the Global Market Information Database,

Euromonitor, Global Insight, Keynote and Mintel research reports (for which you will need an

ATHENS password). These are pointers, however, and it is important that students use their

ingenuity to collect information from other sources. 

b) Understand the dynamics of the target market. What geographic market(s) should the company

target in the short and medium term? How should the company define the market? How can the

market be segmented ? Does it make sense to do so? Who are the main potential customers in

this/these market(s)? How does the company estimate the size of the target market(s)? What are the

market trends (growing or stable)? Is there a typical customer profile? What do customers buying

such products/services look for? How are such products/services normally “sold” in the markets

you are exploring? Of central importance is an understanding of the main channels of distribution

(wholesale and retail)? If possible, find out what retail prices these products sell for? 

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