Posted: September 13th, 2017

Critical evaluation from a counselling session

Critical evaluation from a counselling session

Skills Analysis Essay  Reflective Essay – 2000 words
Your reflective essay is to include:
• Introduction
• Critical evaluation and rationale of the counselling skills / interventions demonstrated
• Awareness of transference/countertransference demonstrated in the session
• Analysis of overall effectiveness of the session for the client using examples from ? the session
• Analysis of the client’s history and social context on their presentation
• Capacity to address ethical issues arising in the session (where relevant)
• Use of current literature on grief and loss or trauma counselling to support the use of evidence-based interventions and skills analysis
• Conclusion
• The essay must be 2000 words in length.
1. Appropriate, purposeful and timely use of basic counselling skills that build rapport and a sense of safety demonstrated
2. Respect for the client’s strengths and abilities
3. Appropriate counselling interventions (evidence-based) for the client’s presentation
4. The client’s grief and trauma experience responded to and normalised as required
5. Ethical decision making where appropriate
6. Ending of session appropriate and sensitive to needs of client
This is important, in addition from the audio identify:
•    Confidentiality
•    Nature of the relationship
•    Nature of attachment
•    Mode of death
•    History of other loses
•    Age
•    Culture
•    Adversity
•    Complicated facts
•    Mental Health issues
•    Sense of presence
Of course the instructions for the structure are the same than usual,

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