Posted: September 16th, 2017

Critical reflection on the experience of managing

Critical reflection on the experience of managing

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2,500 word Critical reflection on the experience of managing/being managed as part of a creative team.

steps writinig about experincies:
Description: What specific incident or outcome are you going to reflect on?
Evaluation: What was good and bad about the experience or outcome? Make value judgements.
Differing perspectives: How might others involved in the situation have seen the events differently? Why might their perspective differ? How might this knowledge help you to understand the situation differently?
Analysis: What was really going on? Draw on wider debates, discussion or theory to help you.
Conclusions: What can this tell us about your working practices and/or the social/ political context? What would you do differently in this type of situation next time?
Did you think about your leadership style after last week?
Did you think about your preferred style at work?
What about your core values…anything you want to change?
Did you find any news stories on where EQ has mattered more than IQ?
Which examples have you brought from the media world around leadership…effective or otherwise?
Autonomy, Mastery & Purpose:
What do they mean for you?
What could they mean for your team members?
What could they mean for the busiones
Differences between management and leadership ….some thoughts…
The manager administers; the leader innovates
The manager is a copy; the leader is an original
The manager maintains; the leader develops
The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people
The manager focuses on control; the leader inspires trust
The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-term perspective
The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why
The manager has his eye always on the bottom line; the leader has his eye upon the horizon
The manager imitates; the leader originates
The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it
The manager is the classic good soldier; the leader is his own person
The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing
leader ship models and styels, personal styel model , and personal styel tried
List the 5 most important values in your life (in order of importance) and write why they matter to you, How consistent would people say that you at living those values? Give yourself a score out of five for each value
Under which circumstances do you find it hardest to live your values? Why?
Think about your leadership style; your preferred style at work; your core values…anything you want to change?
Look out for news stories on where EQ has mattered more than IQ
Bring examples from media world around leadership…effective or otherwise


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