Posted: April 17th, 2015






A genogram is a simple tool that visually plots anecdotal, physical, social and emotional information that can tell us a lot about who and what we are. In the 1970’s Dr Murray Bowen created the genogram as part of his family systems model to explore multigenerational relationships and patterns in families. They serve as a practical and useful framework for understanding family patterns.


A genogram is a symbolic picture of your family tree. It can show important dates and characteristics of your siblings, parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and other relatives.




An eco-map is a visual representation of a person’s connections to other people and/or systems in their life. These systems can be formal (e.g. work, school) or informal (friends, extended family members). Utilising the ecological model devised by Bronfenbrenner in 1979 it illustrates how an individual or family exists within the context of their relationships with other individuals and institutions.


An ecomap should express the strength and effect of relationships to the individual. A bold or double line depicts a strong relationship, a dotted line a tenuous relationship and a thin line a weak relationship. An arrow head should then be added to each line to demonstrate the direction of the resource flow. If any of the relationships are particularly stressful a zig-zag line should be superimposed over the initial line.


Social supports (family, friends, religious organizations, support groups, neighbors, pets, etc.)


Community resources (housing assistance, daycare, financial assistance, health and dental care, mental health and substance abuse services, legal assistance, transportation, employment opportunities, nutrition, etc.)


Stressors (legal difficulties, family dynamics, financial problems, health issues, housing instability, daycare access, transportation, domestic issues, employment


Always include: Name of worker and date completed



The Culturagram


Culturagrams help us to understand the role that culture plays within a family system and used in conjunction with genograms and ecograms can assist us in the development of understandings regarding multigenerational processes of assimilation, acculturation and identity. The utilisation of a tool such as this can also help us to avoid regarding people in terms of a generic cultural identity and hence assist us to not make generalisations and assumptions. More recently it has been used in work with victims of domestic violence, children, older people and people involved in health and mental health settings.

Developed in 1994 and revised in 2000 the culturagram examines the following areas:

  1. reason for relocation
  2. legal status
  3. time in community
  4. language spoken at home and in the community
  5. health beliefs
  6. impact of trauma and crisis events
  7. contact with cultural and religious institutions, holidays, food, and clothing
  8. oppression, discrimination, bias , and racism
  9. values about education and work
  10. values about family – structure, power, myths and rules



Attachment 3: YARI Referral Form Example

Youth at Risk Initiative

(Add service identifier)  



Add service contact details

(Address, Phone, Fax, Email, Websiteetc)



Referred by: Contact details:
Date: Relationship to client:
Has consent for this referral been obtained from the client, parent or guardian? ● Yes   ● No


Surname: Given  names:
Preferred name: Date of Birth: Age: M/F
Telephone: Email
Does the young person identify as:  ● Aboriginal    ● Torres Strait Islander     ●Other
Preferred language Interpreter required:   ● Yes   ● No

Current status

Family support
Emergency Contact: Name: Relationship:
Address: Phone:


What is the reason for referral and any relevant history?


Please tick all applicable boxes

Referral status:


  • Accepted       ● Declined

If referral declined, client referred on to:




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