Posted: February 16th, 2015

Denver Airport Communication Plan

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Denver Airport Communication Plan:

What is a Communications Plan?

  • Road map to get to the end
  • Ensures team members and stakeholders have no misconceptions of the objectives
  • It shows how information will be shared with others
  • It is strategic thinking



  • Identify Goal
  • List Objectives
  • Determine the Target Audiences
  • Determine what Messages need to be delivered
  • Determine what are the tools for Deployment
  • Create Evaluation mechanisms to ensure information is being dissemination

Use case study to find out this information


  • Internal Plans
  • External Plans
  • Strategic Plans


Grading Rubrics:


Category Points % Description
Documentation and Formatting 25 10 The plan is professionally presented with formatting that aids the reader in understanding the content. Proper citations are included.
Organization and Cohesiveness 75 30 Entries are clear and consistent with the categories of the Communications Plan template.
Editing 25 10 The plan is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
Content 125 50 The content of the plan addresses all elements of the assignment.
Total 250 100 A quality Communications Plan will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.



Template/ Dropbox

Please download the template. At the top right of each header is information that should be shared



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