Posted: September 16th, 2017

Describe the mechanisms behind cortical 1/27/2015 reorganization, and discuss the limits in terms of clinical outcomes- providing specific examples from the literature

Describe the mechanisms behind cortical 1/27/2015 reorganization, and discuss the limits in terms of clinical outcomes- providing specific examples from the literature

Paper details:

Focusing on an evaluative tone for the paper. Key concepts: cortical damage (acute, developmental, specific examples), sensory deprivation on brain ( eg blindness); cortical reorganisation (neural growth, neural change), plasticity, clinical recovery, functional recovery/rehabilitation Part 1:Describe different mechanisms (individually or group together depending on how much info you have on each)Theory behind these mechanisms; why they occur– Evidence for recovery in animals and humans using this mechanism Context for recovery using this mechanism (acute injury or developmental change?) Part 2:What is meant by clinical outcome? Diferent types or definitions of this? So which of these types are seen for each mechanism? Is the CR only ever short term, small, functional recovery or can it be more?– Evaluate the utility of the mechanisms for human recovery from brain damage…overall is recovery possible? What is the evidence against these mechanisms producing full clinical improvement

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