Posted: June 9th, 2016

Discuss the requirements and regulations of a non compete agreement.

The senior partners at your law firm are in the process of hiring a software engineer to design new software for the firm s use. The partners want to enter into a non compete agreement with the software engineer, and they need your help researching information safeguarding the non compete agreement. With that in mind, your supervisor, Mr. Williams, has requested that you research whether there are any statutes or case laws regarding non compete agreements that should be addressed before drafting the final document. For this assignment, you must submit a report consisting of 1,000 1,500 words in which you discuss the statutes and case laws in your state or country regarding non compete agreements. For full credit, you must address the following in your report: Discuss and explain non compete agreements. Discuss the requirements and regulations of a non compete agreement. Address any statutes in the state or country regarding non compete agreements. Address any case laws in the state or country regarding non compete agreements. Discuss public policy issues regarding non compete agreements. Discuss any additional information regarding non compete agreement that you feel is important in drafting the final document.

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