Posted: April 29th, 2015

discuss the psychological theories explaining why people fall in love

discuss the psychological theories explaining why people fall in love

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1) Introduction – define interpersonal relationships, give a general overview on the topic etc.. Say what you are going to discuss in the essay.

2) Talk about physical attractiveness. The different theories and research studies affiliated with it. EG: Feingold (1992), Walster et al (1966) J.E. Stewart (1985), Hunsberger and Cavanagh (1988), Wheeler and Kim (1997), Landy and Sigall (1974),Matching Hypothesis by Walster et al. YOU MUST INCLUDE ALL THESE RESEARCH STUDIES

3) EVALUATION OF PHYSICAL ATTRACTIVENESS: Dermer and Thiel (1975) and Sigall and Ostrove (1975) and Murstein and Christie (1976).

4) Personality: Aronson et al (1966), describe the study and link it to personality

5) EVALUATE PERSONALITY THEORY: Helmreich et al. (1970) and Felmlee (1995)

6) Similarity/proximity

7) You can talk about maintenance of relationships/social exchange theory.

8) Make sure you give evaluations of ALL interpersonal relationship theories in your essay

9) Conclusion

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