Posted: September 13th, 2017

Ethics Case Study

Ethics Case Study

Order Description

For this assignment, complete:
1) the reading by Maloney
2) the Santa Clara University Ethics Webpage article
3) the three case studies provided.

Then, using as a basis either the Maloney article OR A Framework for Thinking Ethically from the SCU website, analyze each case study. Your analysis should address the

elements identified in A Framework for Ethical Decision Making at the SCU website (recognizing an ethical issue, get the facts, evaluate alternative actions, make a

decision and test it, act and reflect on the outcome).
Your analysis of the three case studies should be presented in a document no more than five pages, maximum.

The Case of the Two Soldiers
Heavy enemy pressure has resulted in orders for all units to move a mile to the rear to more defensible
positions. LT Taggart’s platoon has packed up and is ready to move. Taggart has a special mission in the
adjustment. He has been told to move directly to an ambush position in a defile that leads to a corps chemical
unit providing early warning of the use of chemical munitions by the enemy forces. His ambush is critical
because only he can reach the position in the thirty minutes he has been given—the thirty minutes that will
allow him to ambush a small, fast-moving enemy column headed directly for the defile through the line of
hills that constitutes the new line of defense. His ambush will be part of his mission to protect the chemical
As Taggart prepares to give the order to move out, his platoon sergeant tells him that one of two
reconnaissance patrols being pulled back to the platoon has just returned. The three-man patrol reports that
they observed members of the other recon patrol, two soldiers, being captured by a squad of enemy soldiers.
They followed the enemy squad on a trail into some dense vegetation and captured the man in the rear of the
enemy column at a sharp bend in the trail. That prisoner revealed that the squad is on its way to a POW
collection point, but the POW will not reveal its location.
The platoon sergeant says, “LT, we have got to get those guys back! You know what the enemy has been
doing to prisoners! If they are lucky, they will just be shot! Give me five minutes with the guy the patrol
brought back and I will have the exact location of their POW collection point. If it’s close, we can snatch
them back in no time.”
A quick check of the distance to the ambush site convinces Taggart that he must leave within ten minutes to
fulfill his protection mission. It is now 0900 and he has been ordered to establish the ambush not later 0945.
If the platoon sergeant does learn enough to mount a rescue mission, Taggart will probably have to split the
platoon to try to accomplish both purposes. As he ponders, his RTO tells him that the company commander
has passed the word to move quickly. Division is calling in a series of air strikes on the positions now being
vacated, hoping to catch the enemy units in exposed positions moving forward.
Should LT Taggart allow the platoon sergeant to question the prisoner? Should he try to mount a rescue


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