Posted: September 17th, 2017



Topic of my dissertation Method will be used Expected Outcomes
Strategies of smoke control system in high rise buildings


  1. Theoretic analysis
  2. Zone models
  3. Computational fluid dynamic computer software


  1. Review of current technology of smoke control system in high rise buildings;


  1. Analysis and comparison of performance

Validation of       zone models;





The above schedule is my dissertation plan and I need you to write my dissertation proposal in 1000 word by writing and using the following instruction only:-

  1. A brief introduction to the concepts surrounding modelling/statistics;
  2. Some background to subject area;
  3. The specific details of the research presented in the paper;
  4. An evaluation of the modelling/statistics presented in the paper; and
  5. The significance of the results presented in the paper in a wider context, which has led to your dissertation proposal.

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