Posted: September 18th, 2017

Healthcare War Room

For your paper, you will choose a topic based upon a topic you found to be of interest in either Chapters 6, 15, 17, 26 or 27 (the chapters that were not assigned for study and quizzes/testing) or the Appendix. Your paper will be based upon information you research about your topic, and should cite all “sources” that you choose to support your paper (e.g., identify the chapter/text that inspired your topic, as well as any other article, case, or material you included (all collectively referred to as the “Source(s)”); describe the relationship of the Source(s) to healthcare; present why the Source(s) caught your attention; summarize why the reader should also want to go to the Source(s. This is from the required book Legal Aspects Of Health Care Administration, 11th ed. 2012 Editio

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