Posted: September 14th, 2017

historical ethical traditions

historical ethical traditions

The following questions are worth two points each

1. Describe the four historical ethical traditions and how they differ

2. In your own words, please explain the concept of subjective responsibility, including the meanings of values, beliefs, and attitudes. Give examples of both

The following discussion question is worth 5 points.

a). In chapter 3, Cooper identifies three major implications of modernization for public administration. Using the information that you learned in the readings and in-class lectures, how have these changes impacted ethical decision-making in public administration? Moreover, what are common ethical dilemmas that have arisen in public administration? (3 pts) (one page)

b). Given these common ethical dilemmas, if you had to draft a unified code of ethics for all public administrators, what do you think would be the two most important tenets? Why? (2 pt)(one page)
Extra credit question

In your opinion, has public administration adopted a principle-based or utilitarian-based ethic? Why? (1 pt)(half page)




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