Posted: May 16th, 2016

Housing Bubble in Australia?

Housing Bubble in Australia?

The Australian housing market has experienced a sustained period of high growth for the past decade. For example, the prices of housing have grown by 77% since 2009. What are your thoughts on the growth of house prices in Australia? Are the recent trend in house prices consistent with an efficient market? Or is Australia in the midst of a housing bubble that can jeopardise the stability of the financial system/economy?

Your written reflection will need to include a discussion of key issues and facts on the recent trends of housing prices in Australia; an example from your own personal experience; and your own personal thoughts on the recent growth in house prices. Are house prices efficient? Or is Australia experiencing a housing bubble?

Some useful references are:
• Recommended textbook for the subject.
• Lecture note
• “14 charts that show why people are worried about Australia’s property market” (au/14-thought-provoking-charts-that-tell-the-story-of-australias-record-breaking-property-rally-2015-11#1%29″ target=”_blank”>
• “The housing bubble explained” (
• Articles written in newspapers business journal or internet sources.

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