Posted: September 13th, 2017

Inflammatory Myo-fibroblastic Tumor

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



NURS 3005 Disease Topic Paper Guidelines and Grading Rubric
The student will be expected to write a paper on a patho-physiological disease/condition. The topic of the
paper must be approved by the instructor and submitted by the date noted. This is an opportunity for each
student to focus on a particular topic of interest.
The paper will include scholarly research of the topic and will be completed in three parts. Each part will be 2-3
pages in length (excluding title page and references). An outline below describes the content of each section. (part 1 is all i am doing for this paper this time)
Part 1 will include:
? an introduction of the disease
? the epidemiology, prevalence, and statistics locally, nationally and globally of the disease
? genetic, behavioral and environmental factors that may cause or increase risk of the condition.

Your focus of this paper is on the patho-physiology, not specific nursing interventions or treatments

References: Should be current (within the past five years). A minimum of one textbook reference (textbook is Understanding Patho-physiology, 5th Edition, Sue Huether, four journal articles and two websites are expected for the paper. Websites must be from reputable sources (Centers for Disease Control, American Heart Association, etc.) The paper should be completed using the APA 6th Edition format.



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