Posted: November 27th, 2014

innovation and technology management

innovation and technology management

Project description
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Module title: innovation and technology management

Assignment question
Select an organization of your choice that is a market leader in its industry research its product portfolio and prepare a formal report of 3000 words in which you discuss the issue of leadership in terms of your chosen organization.

Discuss the implications associated with being a technological leader and assess whether it would be most beneficial for your selected business to have been a leader or a follower in the development of its product portfolio include in your discussion:
The significance of innovation and how it links to wider strategic issues within the firm
Assess in what ways and to what extent globalization has affected its operation and corporate social responsibilities

Critically evaluate your selected business in relation to people, technology and the marketplace in the 21th century

Prepare a formal report of 3000 words in which you critically evaluate the MIT philosophy and principles in your organization
1.Select an appropriate organization discussing briefly its mission and objectives (10 marks)
2.Discussion of firms product portfolio (10 marks)
3.Critical review of international trends and developments and how these affect the business (25 marks)
4.A critical evaluation of how the organization can prepare for the future with regards to human and technological capital (20 marks)
5.An assessment of the importance of innovation and its process to achieving corporate objectives including discussion of some TIM techniques including Kaizen, Benchmarking, Jidoka, Lean production, quality circles and JIT and application to organization (25 marks)
6.Structure, executive summary, referencing and presentation (10 marks)


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