Posted: September 13th, 2017

levels Application, Analysis, Synthesis or Evaluation from Blooms Taxonomy

levels Application, Analysis, Synthesis or Evaluation from Blooms Taxonomy

1-    Create an authentic summative assessment paper which can be given at the end of teaching this unit of water. Use the content in the experiment and the pages from the book. The

paper should be in two parts. Part A Practical: the experiments in the work sheet (refer to document named experiment worksheet) should be changed to practical assessment.  Part B a report

based on the experiments (refer to the “instruction for teachers”) the assignment question in this part should be in the levels Application, Analysis, Synthesis or Evaluation from Blooms

Taxonomy. Questions must be in such a way that students must be able to justify their answers.
2-    Provide an answer sheet for both part A and part B (this is to maintain reliability of the paper. if the answer sheet is there if the papers are marked by different markers there wont be a

difference in the students results)
3-    Upload the assessment instrument for me to review before making the rubric.
4-    Provide a detailed marking rubric for Part A (Practical work), Part B (Presentation) and Part C (criteria for the report).The rubric should be task specific not a generic rubric. A rubric

specifically designed for this assessment instrument. Include instructions to the marker as to how they should go about determining the final grade.  (a detailed rubric will help the markers to

provide reliable score in students papers)


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