Posted: December 4th, 2014

micosoft project

micosoft project

Project description

MC project ,and the presentations just to help you and guide you through the report , and i will send you a sample of a report , just to have an idea of how it looks

like, but please don’t use any information from the sample report .

SECTION TWO: Planning (30%)
You need to produce a Microsoft project file that contains all the planning for your project. The planning should include:
Schedule and resource all the tasks from your WBS and group them in phases that include activities for the development, launching and evaluation of the website.
Identify the team conformation (human resources) and responsibilities
Enter and assigning resources: work, materials and costs
Include Milestone and Deadline
Include Recurring tasks
Task link with: F to S, S to S, F to F, Leads, Lags
Non default times for resources and multiple rates defined and assigned
Baseline saved as Original baseline and making clear the initial duration and cost.

SECTION THREE: Simulation of Monitoring and Controlling (16%)
This section will report a simulation of the projects execution by entering completed work and reporting the status of the project for a specific date that you select.

Use the team experience to simulate the project execution as realistic as possible. Create a copy of your Microsoft Project plan to reflect the simulation. The

execution should include:

Some tasks completed entered (100%)
One or more had breaks
One or more tasks delayed Formatted differently
Some tasks only partly completed (75%, 50%, 33%)
Notes entered
Missing deadline date
Some completed but two behind schedule
Filter of slipping tasks applied (printout)
Project statistics showing variance (printout explaining)
Allocation of more resources (printout explaining)
Filtering data (printout explaining)
Added on 02.12.2014 13:38


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